What is Biofuel?
Phil breaks down everything you need to know about Sustainable Aviation Biofuel.
Why Pilots Can’t Wear Polarized Sunglasses?
by Captain Joe
Airplane vs. Lightning
by Captain Joe Today’s video will all be about how airplanes deal with lightning strikes. How dangerous is it to fly nearby a thunderstorm, what happens if you get hit by lightning and what are further consequences?
Worldwide Airport Slots
Dünyanın En Büyük Uçakları
Dünyanın en büyük uçaklarına hızlı bir bakış. Zeplin, Boeing 747, Airbus A380, Antonov An-225 ve diğerleri…
Why jets leave white trails in the sky
The atmosphere is thin and cold the higher up a plane goes. The exhaust from a plane’s engine is much hotter than the atmosphere. The water vapor from the hot plane engine turns to ice mid-air which we see as white lines in the sky called contrails.
7 Facts about Airport Codes
Havalimanı ICAO Kodu Nedir?
Havalimanı kodu denildiğinde akla genelde ilk olarak, üç harften oluşan IATA kodu gelmektedir. İstanbul Atatürk Havalimanı için IST, Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı için SAW, Londra Heathrow Havalimanı için LHR gibi. Bununla birlikte bir de, havalimanlarının tanımlanmasında kullanılan ICAO kodu bulunmaktadır. ICAO kodu, dört harften oluşmaktadır ve dünyadaki tüm havalimanlarını kapsamaktadır. Bu kodların belirlenme şekli, ICAO Document…
What is a SQUAWK Code?
by Captain Joe What is a SQUAWK code? As you get your IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) departure clearance, the ATC controller will give you a pre assigned four decimal code. After acknowledging the clearance you use the little numbered keyboard on your transponder to enter the give four decimal code and depending on your airline…
Here’s why most planes are white
Every airline has their own branding on their planes, but for the most part, they’re all painted white. Why? The light color reflects sunlight and solar radiation while the plane is in flight and keeps the cabin cool. “It’s basically like putting sunblock on,” MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics professor R. John Hansman told Business Insider.
Do Airplanes Have Keys?
by Captain Joe “Joe, do airliners have an ignition key?”. Let’s work from bottom to top, starting with gliders. Gliders are first and foremost locked up in a hangar or car trailers, and most of them don’t have a lock at all, to enter the cockpit you grab the release handle through the fresh air…