• What would happen if you flew an airplane on all 8 planets?

    What would happen if you flew an airplane on all 8 planets?

    In the book “What if?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions” by Randall Munroe, it is possible to picture some unpractical scenarios by using science. According to the book, we are able to understand what would happen to an ordinary airplane flying across the Solar System.

  • What are Chemtrails?

    What are Chemtrails?

    by Captain Joe Today I will explain the ever so mysterious topic about chemtrails. Do they exist, or is it all just a huge rumor? I will present 4 different examples of possible chemtrails, with facts if they are true or false. We will look at wing tip vortice, wake turbulence, famous contrails in comparison…

  • Aktarmalı mı, Direkt Uçuş mu? Havalimanlarındaki Yolcu Dağılımı Nasıl?

    Aktarmalı mı, Direkt Uçuş mu? Havalimanlarındaki Yolcu Dağılımı Nasıl?

    Yıllar içerisinde havayolu sektöründe “Hub & Spoke“ yapısının gelişmesiyle birlikte, havalimanlarının profili de kökten değişti. Bazı havalimanları, güçlü bir hub taşıyıcı sayesinde merkezî konuma gelirken, geri kalan bir çok havalimanı, spoke‘un ucundaki kenarlarda kaldı. Hub konumundakiler ile kenarlardaki havalimanları arasındaki en belirgin farklılıklardan bir tanesi, noktadan noktaya yolcu sayısı ile transfer yolcu sayısı arasındaki dramatik…

  • What is “Ram Air Turbine”?

    What is “Ram Air Turbine”?

    by Captain Joe What is the ram air turbine, or better known as the RAT? We’ll be looking at some basic system knowledge on the Airbus Hydraulics (the green, blue and yellow system) and then dive straight in to an ELEC EMER CONFIG. You will see how the ram air turbine is deployed and I’ll…

  • Take-off Speeds V1, Vr, V2

    Take-off Speeds V1, Vr, V2

    by Captain Joe Today’s topic will be airplane take-off speeds, V1, VR and V2. I am sure many of you have heard about these speeds. I will explain in more detail what is so important about V1. By the book V1 is defined as „The speed beyond which the take-off should no longer be aborted“.…

  • What is Flex Temperature?

    What is Flex Temperature?

    by Captain Joe Today’s topic will be all about Flex Temperature, what is good for and how often do we use it? Prior to every take-off you need to perform take-off calculations, giving you the speed V1, VR, and V2 and they necessary flex temperature to get the needed thrust setting for the take-off roll…

  • What is that mysterious “Barking” sound on Airbus?

    What is that mysterious “Barking” sound on Airbus?

    by Captain Joe What is that barking sound coming from below the cabin floor as soon as we reach the gate position? Have you ever wondered what is going on in the cargo compartment where this very strange noise is coming from? Many people refer to this as the “Airbus Barking Dog Sound”. This strange…

  • How to decode an ATIS?

    How to decode an ATIS?

    by Captain Joe Dear friends and followers, in this short video I will help you on how to decode an ATIS. You will see that the ATIS can present more than just the active runway and present weather. This ATIS is full of special information. I will go through it step by step. And the…

  • Do Airliners refuel for every flight?

    Do Airliners refuel for every flight?

    by Captain Joe Have you ever asked yourself how often does an airliner refuel? Do airliners only carry so much fuel the need for one flight or more flights? You immediately think about your maximum weight of your hand luggage you are allowed to bring on your flight. So why would a plane carry tons…

  • Mysterious Objects on Airbus A320

    Mysterious Objects on Airbus A320

    by Captain Joe Today’s video will be about two strange and mysterious objects you most certainly have seen on your last flight with an Airbus A320. We’ll talk about a small little triangle which you can within the cabin, indicating the wings leading edge and trailing edge, but why is that important? The main reason…

  • What is TCAS?

    What is TCAS?

    by Captain Joe Dear friends and follower, today´s video will all be about the TCAS. I´m sure you´ve all heard the callout: “Climb, Climb” or “Descent, Descent”, but where does that come from? TCAS is the system behind this voice. I´ll be talking about the Traffic Alert part first, and then go into more detail…

  • Turbulence: what pilot should know?

    Turbulence: what pilot should know?

    As a pilot you have to know a lot of tricks of nature, which may surprise. Especially, when we are talking about air! Air is the reason for pilots to take off, steer the plane, and do their job properly. But air can also be wayward. What to expect when flying the plane? What is…