• What is the ATIS?

    What is the ATIS?

    by Captain Joe Let´s imagine we´re flying from Frankfurt to Gatwick. So prior to our flight, me and my captain meet up in the briefing area where we gather all important information for the flight to England. Information about any possible changes at the departure and destination airport, maybe a taxiway is closed, maybe an…

  • Lights on Airbus

    Lights on Airbus

    by Captain Joe There are eight different types of lights installed on an Airbus A320. In this video I´ll be explaining all the EXTERIOR lights on an Airbus A320. Where they are installed and their purpose and meaning. I´ll be explaining the: -Taxi Light -Take-Off Light -Runway Turnoff Lights -Wing Scan Lights -Anti Collision Beacon -Landing…

  • Runway Markings Explained

    Runway Markings Explained

    This video looks at and explains the most common runway markings that you will see on a paved runway, aimed at helping new pilots and flight simmers improve their understanding of an airport.

  • What is reverse thrust?

    What is reverse thrust?

    by Captain Joe What is reverse thrust and when do you use it? Reverse thrust is used to slow down the aircraft on the runway after touchdown. There are three main components which slow down the airplane on the runway: Primary Braking with disc or carbon brakes similar to your car Secondary with reverse thrust Third…

  • Yolcuların Havayolu Tercihini Belirleyen Etkenler Nelerdir?

    Yolcuların Havayolu Tercihini Belirleyen Etkenler Nelerdir?

    Yolcuların havayolu şirketi tercihinde bir çok farklı unsur rol oynuyor. Kimi yolcular sadece bilet fiyatına odaklanırken, kimileri ise ne olursa olsun her zaman seyahat ettiği havayolu şirketinden vazgeçmiyor. Kimi yolcular direkt uçuşları terch ederken, kimileri aktarmalı uçuşlarla seyahat etmekten çekinmiyor. Bu yüzden havayolu şirketlerinin hedefledikleri müşteri kitlesinin önceliklerini bilmesi ve stratejisini buna göre şekillendirmesi büyük…

  • What is Backtrack?

    What is Backtrack?

    by Captain Joe Have you ever heard that expression; “We need to backtrack”? What are they talking about? Maybe you have experienced a backtrack on your last flight? Okay I admit it´s fairly rare. Imagine you land on little airport with no taxiways. There are some out there, trust me. So once the plane has…

  • What are those “Remove Before Flight” tags?

    What are those “Remove Before Flight” tags?

    by Captain Joe Today we´ll be talking about the REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT tags and warnings you see on parked aircraft. Have ever wonder why parked aircraft have these red tags with huge letters saying „REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT“? At the end of the red flag is mostly either a cover or a locking pin because a…

  • Uçağa Biniş Kartı Yeniden Tasarlanırsa

    Uçağa Biniş Kartı Yeniden Tasarlanırsa

    Havayolu sektörü her zaman ileri teknolojinin takipçisi ve lider uygulayıcısı olagelmiştir. 2012 yılındaki bir yazımızda, basit gibi görünen bagaj etiketinin aslında nasıl bir teknoloji harikası olduğunu ele almıştık. Bugün, yine basit görünen ama yolcu deneyimi noktasında ciddi bir rol oynayan uçağa biniş kartı veya İngilizce deyimiyle boarding pass‘ı inceliyoruz. Yapılan araştırmalara göre klasik biniş kartı kullanan…

  • What is Block Time?

    What is Block Time?

    by Captain Joe What is Block Time? Did you know what is going below your passenger seat just prior before the airplane is being pushed back? The so called “chocks or blocks” are being removed, but why are they there in the first place? To find out more, watch the video.

  • Why are plane windows round?

    Why are plane windows round?

    by Real Engineering Why are the edges of the airplane windows round?

  • How does a windsock work?

    How does a windsock work?

    by Captain Joe What is a windsock and how does it work? A windsock is a conical shape textile tube (which resembles a giant sock, hence its name) designed to indicate wind direction and relative wind speed. It is normally placed next to the runway or a helipad, so that pilots can clearly see it…

  • What it is a “Sterile Cockpit”?

    What it is a “Sterile Cockpit”?

    by Captain Joe What is a sterile cockpit? As a pilot your main job obviously is to fly the plane. During non critical flight phases, during cruise for example, the autopilot takes over control and you have time to do your regular 30 minutes fuel checks, make sure all systems are working in order and…