Qatar Airways Cargo – World-class cargo facility at Hamad International Airport
Qatar Airways Cargo delivers to over 140 destinations worldwide on 157 aircraft including our own Airbus 330 and Boeing 777 freighters. Our network provides a global reach for customers in Africa, Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, South East Asia and North Asia. Our services extend to multiple destinations within each of these…
SWISS WorldCargo – 1000 tonnes of cargo are palletised every day
Our handling partner Cargologic employs a team of packaging pros for all its palleting needs. This task requires a good eye and experience to ensure that both larger and smaller freight can be packaged together as tightly and securely as possible. Each member of the team processes around 800 kg an hour. The number of…
SWISS WorldCargo – Special containers for temperature-sensitive goods
Goods such as medical and bio-technological products, electronic components and fresh produce not only require fast transportation but also a constant temperature throughout the logistic chain to ensure they arrive at their destination unspoiled. SWISS WorldCargo uses special containers that maintain the set temperature (from -20°C to +20°C) within a 2°C range during transportation.
SWISS WorldCargo: The power of speed and strength
The forklift trucks have a top speed of 20 km/h and travel around four kilometres every single day. The 87 forklift trucks can move a combined load of 700 to 800 tonnes, during day and night shifts.
SWISS WorldCargo – Bon voyage for animals
Every year, Swiss WorldCargo transports around 4,000 animals around the world. Whether it’s a pet on its way to a new home or a wild animal being transported for a conservation project, almost every type of animal has been on board with us. Film by LAUSCHSICHT | www.lauschsicht.com
Qatar Airways – World class horses flown in style
Qatar Airways Cargo proudly transported 40 of the world’s most admired show jumping and dressage horses from Amsterdam to Las Vegas to participate in the International Federation of Equestrian Sports’ World Cup™ 2015 Finals. The B777F Qatar Airways Cargo aircraft was especially chartered and equipped with air stables to allow the precious cargo, worth an…
Der Neutrale Frachtübergabepunkt am Flughafen Frankfurt
Ein Teil Fracht am Flughafen Frankfurt wird über den Neutralen Frachtübergabepunkt geschleust. LKWs von Logistikunternehmen, die keinen direkten Zugang zum Vorfeld haben, können hier an das vollautomatische Schleusenterminal andocken und so Fracht empfangen oder abliefern. Part of freight at Frankfurt Airport is funneled through the neutral cargo transfer point. Trucks of logistics companies, which have…
Etihad Cargo Boeing 747 with New Livery
Watch our Etihad Cargo Boeing 747 prepare for its next journey, at Abu Dhabi airport. LEARN MORE http://bit.ly/1b6gEQ9 Etihad Cargo is the fast growing cargo division of Etihad Airways. From our hub at Abu Dhabi International Airport, Etihad Cargo offers our customers a range of cargo services linked to our expanding international route network and…
Temp Check by Etihad Cargo
Introducing Etihad Cargo’s new Temp Check product; the fastest and safest way to get pharmaceuticals to the world. LEARN MORE http://bit.ly/1D6K3wm Etihad Cargo is the fast growing cargo division of Etihad Airways. From our hub at Abu Dhabi International Airport, Etihad Cargo offers our customers a range of cargo services linked to our expanding international…
DHL, Yeni Havalimanını Hub Yapacak
İGA Havalimanı İşletmesi A.Ş. ile DHL arasında İstanbul Yeni Havalimanı’nda 20 bin m²’lik bir alanda ekspres kargo operasyonu yapılması için bir mutabakat zaptı imzalandı. Türkiye’nin uluslararası havacılık sektöründeki rolünü zirveye taşıyacak olan İstanbul Yeni Havalimanı’nın kargo ve lojistik operasyonu için adımlar atılmaya başlandı. Konuyla ilgili olarak açıklamada bulunan İGA Havalimanı İşletmesi A.Ş. Ticaretten Sorumlu Genel…
THY – Yeni Kargo Terminali
Yıllık 1,2 milyon ton kargo kapasitesi ve 43.000 m² kapalı tesis alanıyla yeni Turkish Cargo Terminali hizmetinizde!
THY Kargo’nun Yeni Binası Açıldı
Yeni Kargo Terminali’nde hizmet vermeye başlayan Turkish Cargo’da hedef bölgedeki en büyük taşıyıcı olmak. İşte yeni kargo terminalinin özellikleri. Turkish Cargo, Atatürk Havalimanı’ndaki yeni kargo terminalini, Maliye Bakanı Mehmet Şimşek, Gümrük Bakanı Nurettin Canikli’nin katılımı ile açıldı. 48’i kargo noktası olmak üzere 108 ülkede 260’dan fazla uçuş noktasına, 9 kargo uçağının yanı sıra Türk Hava Yolları…