
  • The A380 – Why Birmingham and Los Angeles say the aircraft helps their economies grow

    The A380 – Why Birmingham and Los Angeles say the aircraft helps their economies grow

    Have you heard about the A380 effect? What is it? It’s called the A380 effect – when a city introduces the world’s biggest passenger plane – the impact on business and tourism development is substantial. Two cities Los Angeles and Birmingham in the English Midlands share their experiences.

  • Airbus Innovation Centre: 3D Technology and Virtual Reality

    Airbus Innovation Centre: 3D Technology and Virtual Reality

    Airbus has taken the best ideas from the gaming industry, film, and its own software engineers to transform interior cabin design creation. Creating a unique cabin look is one of the most important features for an airline as it helps it distinguish it from another brand. In the old days coming up with a new…

  • Contest to welcome the arrival of Cathay Pacific’s first A350

    Contest to welcome the arrival of Cathay Pacific’s first A350

    Did you know? The A350’s unique wing shape is designed so that its profile is constantly changing, like a bird in flight. It’s also said to resemble a skateboard ramp, or an ice cream spoon! What do you think the curved wing can be used for? Tell us with creative photos and videos using #A350Cathay…

  • Moonwalk to Mars

    Moonwalk to Mars

    Project Moonwalk unites seven European partners, including Airbus Group, to develop and test technologies for future human missions to Mars. European researchers selected Río Tinto in Huelva (Spain) as a testing ground. To know more about this project visit:

  • How Airplanes Are Made

    How Airplanes Are Made

    Behind-the-Scenes of an Airbus A350 being built!

  • Airbus delivers its first U.S.-built aircraft to JetBlue

    Airbus delivers its first U.S.-built aircraft to JetBlue

    JetBlue officially took delivery of the first A320 Family aircraft produced at the Airbus U.S. Manufacturing Facility in Mobile, Alabama on 25 April 2016. The milestone jetliner was an A321 – the longest-fuselage member of Airbus’ popular single-aisle product line. This historic event was marked with a festive American football-themed ceremony held at the Mobile…

  • Reaching new horizons together: Airbus Asia Training Centre

    Reaching new horizons together: Airbus Asia Training Centre

    The Airbus Asia Training Centre, located at Singapore’s Seletar Aerospace Park, offers pilot type rating and recurrent training courses for all in-production Airbus jetliner types. This video includes key details on the facility’s capabilities.

  • Airbus, Singapur’da Yeni Bir Eğitim Merkezi Açtı

    Airbus, Singapur’da Yeni Bir Eğitim Merkezi Açtı

    Dünyanın önde gelen uçak üreticilerinden Airbus, Singapur’da yeni bir eğitim merkezi açtı. Airbus Asya Eğitim Merkezi (Airbus Asia Training Centre) olarak adlandırılan tesis, Airbus (%55) ve Singapore Airlines (%45) tarafından ortaklaşa kuruldu. Eğitim merkezi; Airbus CEO’su Fabrice Brégier, Singapore Airlines CEO’su Goh Choon Phong ve Singapur Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanı S Iswaran’ın katılımıyla bugün (18 Nisan…

  • THY, Airbus A340’ları Tarifeli Uçuşlardan Çekiyor

    THY, Airbus A340’ları Tarifeli Uçuşlardan Çekiyor

    Türk Hava Yolları’nın (THY) 23 senedir uzun menzilde kullandığı Airbus A340 tipi uçaklardan filosunda dört adet kaldı. Bu uçaklar tarifeden çıkartılıyor. THY filosunda 1993 yılından bu yana uçan Airbus A340 uçakları, son tarifeli seferini 28 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde Medine’den İstanbul’a gerçekleştirecek. Haziran ve sonrasındaki aylar için A340 uçakları tarifeden çıkartıldı. THY’nin planı, elindeki son dört…

  • Boosting revenue and capacity: The A380 helps airports stay ahead

    Boosting revenue and capacity: The A380 helps airports stay ahead

    Airbus’ 544-seat, double-deck A380 is opening up new opportunities for these airports, as well as their passengers and airlines. With its superior spaciousness, efficiency and comfort, A380 is helping major international hubs and airports in emerging markets across the globe increase revenue, boost capacity, free up slots at their gates, and reduce landing fees. Featured…

  • Airbus A380, Büyük Havalimanlarının Kapasitesini Nasıl Artırdı?

    Airbus A380, Büyük Havalimanlarının Kapasitesini Nasıl Artırdı?

    Airbus A380 gibi büyük uçaklar, Hong Kong ve Heathrow gibi dünyanın en işlek havalimanlarının gelir artışına katkı sağlıyor. Büyük uçaklar slot kullanımı verimliliği sağlarken, iniş maliyetlerini azaltıyor ve yolcular için bilet fiyatlarını düşürüyor. A380, 10 yıl önce bu zamanlarda Hong Kong’a ilk uçuşunu gerçekleştirmişti. O günden beri A380’in de kısmi katkısıyla Hong Kong, yılda 70…

  • Aer Lingus Airbus A330 Dublin Take-off

    Aer Lingus Airbus A330 Dublin Take-off

    by JustPlanes Aer Lingus Airbus A330 Dublin Take-off