KLM lets passengers rate their level of satisfaction at the airport
This article is re-published with kind permission of “”. KLM is known for its embrace of digital technology. The airline is a leader in social mediaand in the past years has launched a series of specific mobile apps, such as a ‘Passport’ app, which lets users record their journeys with their mobile phone and share their experiences via…
Delhi Airport lets smartphone users buy products at a virtual shopping wall
This article is re-published with kind permission of “”. Shopping on the Internet is so old hat – so it seems. Welcome to 2013, where pointing your mobile at virtual products on the wall and ordering them on the spot is the new way to shop. At New Delhi Airport in India, travelers can view…
Checkpoint of the Future: Identity Management Trials
Airports evolve to connect People and Places
This article is re-published with kind permission of “”. Airports evolve from ‘spaces of flow’ to destinations that connect people and places. Between 2010 and 2015 the size of the global airport retailing market is forecast toexpand by 44.5 percent from to nearly USD 40 billion. In a time when downtown retail is suffering, facing strong…
Bodrum International Airport
Havayolu 101 @ Frankfurt Airport
İlk 30 Havalimanı (2009)
Dünya genelindeki havalimanlarının yıllık performanslarına kısaca bir göz atalım. Airports Council International’ın web sitesindeki verilere göre yolcu trafiği açısından 2009 yılının ilk 30 havalimanı aşağıdaki şekilde sıralanmış. Londra Heathrow’un 2008’e göre bir sıra yükselerek dünya sıralamasında ikinci sıraya yerleştiği görülüyor. Bunun yanı sıra, Çin’deki havalimanlarının gümbür gümbür geldiği de gözden kaçmıyor. Pekin, 2008’e göre %17’lik yolcu trafiği…