
  • İran’a Uçak Satışı: Boeing’e Hayır, Airbus’a Evet!

    İran’a Uçak Satışı: Boeing’e Hayır, Airbus’a Evet!

    İran, Airbus ve Boeing’in 2016 yılı başından bu yana resmî olarak uğraştıkları yeni uçak siparişi konusunda gelinen son nokta belli oldu. ABD, Boeing’in İran’a yeni uçak satmasını yasaklama yönünde girişimlerde bulunurken, Airbus’a 106 uçak için daha izin verdi. ABD’nin, Avrupalı bir üretici olan Airbus’a izin verip vermeme konusunda nasıl bir rolü olabileceği aklınıza gelebilir. Airbus’ın…

  • Goodbye, Bobby! Farewell flight of the Boeing 737 | Lufthansa

    Goodbye, Bobby! Farewell flight of the Boeing 737 | Lufthansa

    Goodbye, Bobby! It’s an emotional day for Lufthansa since the Boeing 737 takes off for the last time. For almost 50 years the aircraft has been serving well for Lufthansa und is now at the airport in Frankfurt for its final farewell. Lufthansa fleet chief Ulrich Pade reminisces about his experiences with the Boeing 737.…

  • Boeing, 100 Yaşında!

    Boeing, 100 Yaşında!

    Gökyüzünde ve uzayda 100 yılı geride bırakan Boeing, yaş gününü dünyanın farklı noktalarında çeşitli etkinliklerle kutluyor. Boeing Kıdemli Başkan Yardımcısı ve Boeing International Başkanı Marc Allen’ın katılımı ve Boeing Türkiye Genel Müdürü Ayşem Sargın Işıl’ın ev sahipliğindeki yemeğe, Zorlu Grubu Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Ahmet Nazif Zorlu, Kale Grubu Şirketleri Teknik ve Kimya Grubu Başkanı Osman…

  • Boeing and Southwest Airlines Put The 737 MAX Through its Paces

    Boeing and Southwest Airlines Put The 737 MAX Through its Paces

    Its called SROV – which stands for Service Ready Operational Validation. With the help of launch customer Southwest Airlines, Boeing’s new 737 MAX was taken to several of the airports in Southwests system to simulate the kind of real life conditions the airplane will encounter on any given day of revenue service. Learn more:

  • Boeing turns 100 | WestJet

    Boeing turns 100 | WestJet

    Where would WestJet be without Boeing aircraft? As Boeing celebrates its 100th anniversary, we reflected on that question. Check out our fleet here:

  • Path to Mars Continues: Boeing’s Phased Approach for the Journey

    Path to Mars Continues: Boeing’s Phased Approach for the Journey

    As NASA develops its strategy for future exploration beyond Earth’s orbit, Boeing is utilizing its 60 years of experience in human spaceflight to formulate an architecture that supports NASA’s vision, leverages the International Space Station, and extends human presence into the proving ground around the Moon and on to Mars.

  • Airbus ve Boeing, İran’a Uçak Satma İznini Aldı

    Airbus ve Boeing, İran’a Uçak Satma İznini Aldı

    Airbus ve Boeing, uzun süredir devam eden bekleyişin ardından, İran’a uçak satma iznini aldı. Gün içerisinde yapılan açıklamalarla, önce Airbus, daha sonra da Boeing firmalarına, gerekli satış yetkisi tahsis edildi. ABD Hazine Bakanlığı’na bağlı Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) adlı birim tarafından verilen satış lisansı ile birlikte, bu yıl içerisinde İran ile Airbus ve Boeing…

  • Perfect Pitch: a History of Boeing Advertising

    Perfect Pitch: a History of Boeing Advertising

    Advertising helps make Boeing one of the world’s most recognizable and admired brands. See how Boeing’s advertisements have changed over the past 100 years.

  • Boeing T-X: The Future of Pilot Training

    Boeing T-X: The Future of Pilot Training

    The Boeing T-X aircraft has one engine, twin tails, stadium seating and an advanced cockpit with embedded training. The system also offers state-of-the-art ground-based training and a maintenance-friendly design for long-term supportability. This animation depicts two Boeing T-X aircraft in action.

  • Boeing T-X Sees the Light

    Boeing T-X Sees the Light

    Boeing unveiled not one, but two production T-X aircraft in St. Louis. Boeing’s design takes advantage of the latest technologies, tools and manufacturing techniques. It is an advanced aircraft designed to evolve as technologies, missions and training needs change. The design is more affordable and flexible than older, existing aircraft.

  • World’s largest solid 3-D printed item by Boeing

    World’s largest solid 3-D printed item by Boeing

    Here’s a time-lapse view of the world’s “Largest solid 3-D printed item” being made. Boeing and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory created the object, which measures 17.5 feet long, 5.5 feet wide and 1.5 feet tall. The component, a wing trim and drill tool that Boeing will use to build its…

  • The First Boeing 747-400 @ Delta Flight Museum

    The First Boeing 747-400 @ Delta Flight Museum

    The first Boeing 747-400 (6301) will be ready for aviation geeks at Delta Flight Museum early 2017.