Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner Major Move for US Return to Human Space Flight
In an operation at Kennedy Space Center involving minute movements and precise placement, the pieces of the first CST-100 Starliner test article became a capsule. The test article will help verify the manufacturing method, the materials, and the parts being created by Boeing and the project’s suppliers and help study the design of the Starliner.
İran, Boeing Marka Uçak Kiralayabilir
Batı dünyası tarafından uygulanan ambargonun kalkmasının ardından havacılığa çok hızlı bir giriş yapan İran’daki hareketlilik devam ediyor. Kısaca hatırlamak gerekirse; İran öncelikle, 118 adetlik büyük bir Airbus siparişi vermişti. Bu sipariş dahilindeki ilk sekiz adetlik teslimatın A320 ve A330 tipi uçaklardan oluşması ve 2016 yılının sonuna kadar gerçekleşmesi bekleniyor. Bunu, 40 adetlik ATR siparişi izlemişti.…
Boeing 787 Dreamliner Motorları İçin Acil Uyarı
Amerikan Federal Havacılık Kurumu FAA, Boeing 787 Dreamliner tipi uçakların motorları için “acil” bir uyarı yayınladı. “Acil Emniyet Konusu” başlığı altında yayınlanan duyuruda, General Electric marka motorlarda bir takım modifikasyonlar yapılması gerektiği belirtildi. Motorlarda tespit edilen bir arıza sebebiyle, uçuş sırasında yaşanan buzlanma sebebiyle motorların durduğu belirtildi. FAA’in uyarısı, 29 Ocak 2016 tarihinde 6.000 metre…
Boeing Partners for Genes in Space Competition
In 2015, 17-year-old Anna-Sophia Boguraev from Bedford, New York, won the inaugural Genes in Space competition. Boguraev’s experiment arrived at the International Space Station April 10, 2016, following an April 8 launch from Kennedy Space Center. Check out the video for more on Anna-Sophia’s story. To learn more about Genes in Space:
Boeing Geeks Out About Making Apps
Boeing is tapping into the mobile technology of smart phones and tablets to bring real-time data to pilots in flight. With applications such as Boeing’s Flight Deck Fuel Advisor, pilots can receive up-to-the-minute fuel data that helps them fly more efficiently. Discover more at
Boeing Showcases Virtual Reality
Boeing’s Immersive Development Center (IDC) allows engineers virtual access to Boeing’s products. Watch when high school students use the IDC to solve engineering problems of the future.
Boeing: The Airplane Bathroom That Cleans Itself
Boeing engineers and designers have built a prototype lavatory that uses ultraviolet (UV) light to kill 99.99 percent of pathogens, thus sanitizing all the lavatory surfaces in just 3 seconds.
Boeing: Flipping the Switch to a Glass Flight Deck
Boeing engineers are transforming old, analog flight decks covered in hundreds of dials and gauges into cutting-edge digital flight decks. Now, everything a pilot needs to know during flight is integrated into advanced touch-screen displays. Learn more about Boeing Innovations at
Boeing’s next-gen aircraft cabin
This article is re-published with kind permission of “”. With mood lighting now being a standard feature on new aircraft deliveries, several airlines have also started to retrofit LED lighting into their older cabins. Furthermore, besides taking a ‘generic’ approach towards mood lighting – that is, recreating sunset on evening flights and sunrise in the…
You Just Wait: Behind the Scenes with Boeing
Most of us can only imagine what the world will look like in 100 years. Boeing Futurists take a more realistic approach. Get a behind the scenes look at how we teamed up to create a glimpse of what the will future hold. Discover more at
Boeing completes first flight of the 737 MAX
The 737 MAX is Boeing’s first new airplane of the its second century. Watch the highlights of this historic first flight! Learn more here:…