
  • Boeing Uses Sound to Look Inside

    Boeing Uses Sound to Look Inside

    From St. Louis to Seattle, Boeing’s non-destructive inspection labs use sound waves to test plane parts.

  • KLM’s first Boeing 787 Dreamliner lands at Schiphol

    KLM’s first Boeing 787 Dreamliner lands at Schiphol

    On November 14th the first KLM Boeing 787 Dreamliner arrived at Schiphol. The “Zonnebloem” (Sunflower) was flown in from the Boeing plant in Seattle. This Boeing 787 Dreamliner is the first of a total of 21 that KLM will take into service. All of KLM’s Dreamliners will be named after flowers, a typical Dutch export…

  • Boeing Archive Presents: Winds of Change

    Boeing Archive Presents: Winds of Change

    Today the wind tunnel is a critical part of aerospace testing and development. But in the early 1900s there were less than a dozen wind tunnels in the world. In 1918 Bill Boeing made a strategic investment with the University of Washington; building a wind tunnel and aerodynamics testing facility that – to this day…

  • Boeing: Lightest. Metal. Ever

    Boeing: Lightest. Metal. Ever

    Microlattice is the lightest metal ever made. At 99.99% air, it’s light enough to balance on top of a dandelion, while its structure makes it strong. Strength and record breaking lightness make it a potential metal for future planes and vehicles. Learn more about Boeing Innovations at

  • Airbus mı, Boeing mi?

    Airbus mı, Boeing mi?

    Konu uçaklardan açıldığında sohbetin gelmesi kaçınılmaz noktalardan bir tanesidir. Airbus mı, Boeing mi? Kimi Airbus’ı savunur; kimine göre ise Boeing vaz geçilmezdir. Phoenix East Aviation tarafından hazırlanan bir infografik, Airbus ile Boeing’i, ürettikleri en büyük yolcu uçakları açısından mukayese ediyor. İşte yolcu uçağı üretiminde dünyanın iki lider şirketinin A380 ve 747-8I çerçevesindeki karşılaştırması: Airbus 1970 yılında,…

  • Boeing’s KC-46A Pegasus Completes Successful First Test Flight

    Boeing’s KC-46A Pegasus Completes Successful First Test Flight

    Boeing and the U.S. Air Force celebrated aviation history and a much anticipated milestone Sept. 25, 2015 when the KC-46A Pegasus Tanker aircraft took off on its inaugural flight from Paine Field in Everett, Wash. Test pilots conducted a four-hour flight, during which they performed a series of system checks before landing four hours later…

  • İlk Boeing 737 MAX, Üretilmeye Başlandı

    İlk Boeing 737 MAX, Üretilmeye Başlandı

    ABD’li imalatçı Boeing’in 737 ailesinin dördüncü nesli olan MAX serisi için imalata başladı. İlk uçak ne zaman uçacak? Boeing, Seattle yakınlarındaki Renton tesislerinde 737’nin yeni nesli olan MAX ailesinin imalatına başladı. 21 Ağustos’ta Wichita Kansas’taki Spirit Aerosystems şirketinden gelen parçalar, Renton Tesisleri’nde bir araya getiriliyor. Montaj çalışmalarının yıl sonuna kadar tamamlanması planlanıyor. Ardından yer testlerine…

  • Boeing Factory Visit

    Boeing Factory Visit

    Guided Tour in Boeing Factory During the plane’s “laying of the keel” in one of Boeing’s production line manufacturing units, was given the chance to capture the first nuts and bolts of what would soon become the “D-ALFE”. With up to five planes being processed simultaneously, over 1200 new Triple Seven’s have been “born”…

  • Boeing Crew Space Transportation: Starliner

    Boeing Crew Space Transportation: Starliner

    On Sept. 4, 2015, Boeing’s Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 spacecraft, developed as part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, has officially been named Starliner. The Starliner is scheduled to take its first crewed spaceflight by the end of 2017, effectively resuming U.S.-based flights to space.

  • Boeing Crew Space Transportation (CST-100)

    Boeing Crew Space Transportation (CST-100)

    Leveraging fifty years of human spaceflight heritage, Boeing has a passion for human spaceflight. Boeing’s Crew Space Transportation (CST-100) has been brought to life through integrated teams from across Boeing and through a hand-in-hand effort with NASA. The CST-100 will launch in 2017, restoring the U.S.’s human launch capability.

  • Emirates receives four wide-body aircraft in one day

    Emirates receives four wide-body aircraft in one day

    Emirates celebrated the company record arrival of four new aircraft in one day, affirming its commitment to flying a modern, efficient and comfortable fleet. The bumper delivery included two Boeing 777-300ERs, one Boeing 777 Freighter and one Airbus A380 aircraft. The event marks the 150th Emirates Boeing 777 delivery milestone, and takes airline’s total A380…

  • The Boeing Archives Presents: Straight Up – Frank Piasecki’s Flying Machine

    The Boeing Archives Presents: Straight Up – Frank Piasecki’s Flying Machine

    See how Boeing’s legacy of vertical lift leadership started with the vision, creativity and determination of aviation pioneer Frank Piasecki in the latest installment of ‘The Boeing Archives Presents’.