Welcome to the new Aer Lingus Lounge at New York’s JFK
Located in Terminal 5 across from Gate 26, Aer Lingus’ new lounge offers customers a familiar Aer Lingus setting in the heart of New York, JFK Airport.
Qantas’ın Darwin’deki Yolcu Salonu Göz Kamaştırıyor
Avustralya’nın kadim havayolu şirketi Qantas, geçtiğimiz Eylül ayında, Darwin Havalimanı’ndaki özel yolcu salonunu tadil ederek yeniden hizmete açtı. Qantas Club’ta Nisan 2013’te başlayan tadilat çalışmaları yaklaşık 1,5 sene sürdü. 30 Eylül 2014 tarihinde yenilemiş haliyle kapılarını açan salonun kullanım alanı iki katından fazla bir miktarda genişletilerek, 1.500 m²’ye yükseltildi. Tüm mobilyalar yenilenirken, proje çerçevesinde ilave edilen koltuklarla,…
Luxury in the Sky | Emirates A380 ZRH-DXB | Business Class
SAS to open ‘Café Lounges’ at Gate Areas at Scandinavian Airports
This article is re-published with kind permission of “www.airlinetrends.com”. While passengers travelling in Business and First and upper-tier members of frequent flyer programs can wait for their flight in the comfort of the airline lounge, Business Class passengers still have to wait with the ‘hoi polloi’ at the gate before boarding the aircraft via a…
Qantas – New Los Angeles First Class Lounge
Take a first look at our new Qantas First Lounge in Los Angeles, with seating for over 200 customers and different zones to dine, relax, work and socialise.
San Francisco Airport opens public lounge for the creative class to meet and exchange ideas
This article is re-published with kind permission of “www.airlinetrends.com”. Forward-looking airports are realizing they have to differentiate the passenger experience. Not only by designing seamless, efficient, processes and fancy terminals, but also by creating a distinct ambiance with a unique and flexible portfolio of retail, food & beverage and service concepts. Says Hildegard Assies, co-founder…
Aer Lingus – US Customs and Airport Lounges
Aer Lingus’s new best-in-class Business Class products and services will include a redesigned and repositioned priority check-in, enabling seamless airport navigation and greater efficiency and speed. Dedicated business class check-in desks called US Stations will always be open with staff trained to answer any questions in relation to ticketing, and Gold Circle matters. Fast Track…
JAL, First Class Özel Yolcu Salonunu Yeniledi
Japon havayolu şirketi JAL, geçtiğimiz Mart ayı içerisinde Haneda Havalimanı’ndaki özel yolcu salonlarını (Lounge) yenilemesinin ardından, bu kez First Class yolcularını heyecanlandıracak bir çalışmaya imza attı. The Design Air‘de yer alan habere göre, Haneda Havalimanı’ndaki yeni First Class yolcu salonu, modernite ve lüksün zirvesi niteliğini taşıyor. Bununla birlikte, dengeli ve yumuşak renklerin hâkim olduğu yeni…
Malaysia Airlines Golden Lounge
Building the A380 Onboard Lounge | Emirates
AIM Aviation, which produces the extremely popular On Board Lounge is currently building the 54th set of Emirates’ Bar and Lounge furniture. The ‘horseshoe bar’ is an iconic feature of the Emirates A380. An interesting fact about the On Board Lounge is was the level of detail that went into selecting the right stone and…
Tiger Air – We don’t have a lounge
Katrina Kaif dances with Etihad Airways
See how our Etihad Guest Ambassador, Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif, express her experience dancing through the Etihad Lounge in Abu Dhabi. It feels good to fly with the best! For more information on Etihad Guest ambassadors, click here http://bit.ly/1g3E5g3