
  • Southwest Flight Attendant Cracks up Passengers with Safety Speech

    Southwest Flight Attendant Cracks up Passengers with Safety Speech

  • Southwest Airlines Commercial: Quiet Landing

    Southwest Airlines Commercial: Quiet Landing

    Our latest commercial features Marty, one of our funny Flight Attendants who you may recognize from her Inflight Safety Speech video:… and from Ellen!… Let us know if you see Marty out in the system!

  • Discarded airline materials are upcycled into sports gear, soccer balls and handbags

    Discarded airline materials are upcycled into sports gear, soccer balls and handbags

    This article is re-published with kind permission of “”. We have reported before on ‘upcycle’ initiatives from airlines, with carriers such as KLM (uniforms), Finnair (seat covers, seat belts, curtains), Delta (seat covers) and Air France (life jackets) giving discarded airline interior materials a second life as stylish bags. The benefits are three-fold: waste is…

  • Southwest Heart: TV Commercial – Machine

    Southwest Heart: TV Commercial – Machine

  • Southwest Heart: Painting the Plane

    Southwest Heart: Painting the Plane

    Take a look at what it takes to transform a new Boeing 737 into the Southwest Airlines Heart livery.  

  • Southwest, Marka Kimliğini Yeniledi

    Southwest, Marka Kimliğini Yeniledi

    ABD’nin ve dünyanın lider düşük maliyetli taşıyıcısı Southwest, marka kimliğini yeniledi. Dün, kendi çalışanlarına özel olarak hazırlanan bir etkinliğin ardından kamuoyu ile paylaşılan yeni marka kimliği, Southwest’in kırk yılı aşkın tarihi boyunca sürekli vurguladığı bir şeyi merkeze oturtmuş: “Sevgi” Şirketin kurulduğu Dallas Love Field Havalimanı, ilk günden bu yana gerek Southwest yöneticileri, gerekse çalışanları için…

  • Southwest Boeing 737-2H4 & Stewardess Commercial

    Southwest Boeing 737-2H4 & Stewardess Commercial

    Classic Southwest commercial featuring one of the carrier’s stewardesses, plus a Boeing 737-200! Year: 1971

  • Southwest, İlk Dış Hat Uçuşunu Yaptı

    Southwest, İlk Dış Hat Uçuşunu Yaptı

    ABD’nin efsanevî düşük maliyetli taşıyıcısı Southwest Airlines, tarihindeki ilk dış uçuşunu 1 Temmuz 2014 – Salı günü gerçekleştirdi. Sabah 8:30’da Baltimore/Washington’dan kalkan uçağın Karayipler’deki Aruba adasına inişiyle birlikte, Southwest’in tarihine yeni bir kilometre taşı dikilmiş oldu. Aruba’nın yanı sıra, yine Karayipler’deki Montego Bay ve Nassau, şirketin ilk dış hat noktaları arasında yer aldı. Dış hat…

  • Southwest – Herb Kelleher and Gary Kelly

    Southwest – Herb Kelleher and Gary Kelly

    One of the very cool nuances to Southwest’s story is that our Founder and Chairman Emeritus Herb Kelleher and our current Chairman, President, and CEO Gary Kelly share the same birthday, which happens to be today, March 12th! Herb and Gary share a lot more than just a birthday. They both share a deep passion…

  • ‘Wright Amendment’ Kalkınca Ne Olacak?

    ‘Wright Amendment’ Kalkınca Ne Olacak?

    Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde (ABD), 1960’lı yılların başında Federal Havacılık İdaresi (Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)), Dallas’taki Love Field ve Fort Worth’taki Greater Southwest havalimanlarının, Teksas eyaletinin gelecekteki ihtiyaçlarını karşılayamayacağını belirterek, bu meydanlara yapmakta olduğu mâlî yardımı sona erdireceğini belirtir. Bu gelişme üzerine ABD’nin Sivil Havacılık Kurumu (Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB)), Dallas ve Fort Worth kentlerine hizmet…

  • How to De-Ice a Plane feat. the Southwest Airlines Icemen!

    How to De-Ice a Plane feat. the Southwest Airlines Icemen!

    You know when you are sitting on the plane, nice and warm and the guys are up in those bucket trucks de-icing it? Have you ever wondered what that would be like? Watch this video to find out about the cold but exciting job.  

  • Southwest Airlines – Baby On Board

    Southwest Airlines – Baby On Board

    Travel with Southwest’s Christi McNeill and her son Colin on his first flight. You’ll pick up tips and tricks for easily navigating the Airport, TSA, and our Boarding Process.