
  • Water and waste system of airplanes

    Water and waste system of airplanes

    by Captain Joe This video is about the water and waste system of airplanes. The system consists of the following components: – toilets – meters of piping – 170-liter waste tank – couple valves – vacuum generator – drain host – servicing panels.

  • How does the Airbus Fuel System work?

    How does the Airbus Fuel System work?

    Today’s video will all be about the fuel system on the Airbus A320. The A320 Fuel system consists of the fuel tanks, controls the distribution of fuel during refuelling, supplies fuel to the engines and APU, cools the oil for the Integrated Drive Generator lubrication system, keeps fuel in the outer wing for wing bending…

  • Virgin Galactic – Introducing the Feather System

    Virgin Galactic – Introducing the Feather System

    An introduction to Virgin Galactic’s reentry system, the feather, SpaceShipTwo’s most innovative safety feature.