A350 Serisinin En Büyük Modeli -1000, Yıl Sonunda Test Uçuşlarına Başlıyor
Airbus’ın, rakibi Boeing’in Boeing 777-300ER ve Boeing 777X’e karşı rekabet edecek olan A350-1000 modeli test uçuşlarına 2016 yılı sonunda başlıyor. Avrupalı uçak imalatçısı Airbus’ın en yeni modeli A350 XWB (Extra Wide Body) ailesinin en büyük modeli olan A350-1000, bu yıl sonunda test uçuşlarına başlayacak. Önümüzdeki yıl hizmete girecek olan ve 3 sınıflı konfigürasyonda 350 yolcuyu…
GE9X: First Engine to Test in Peebles, Ohio
More than seven months ahead of a typical program schedule, GE fired the first GE9X engine on its testing grounds in Peebles, Ohio to ensure ample time to validate and mature its design before entry into service on the new Boeing 777X aircraft. See why the GE9X will deliver from day one at geaviation.com/GE9X. Learn how…
Rolls-Royce | Deniz Öztürk (Head of Operations for Testing)
What types of tests do our aero engines undergo in Germany? Rolls-Royce’s Head of Operations for Testing, Deniz Öztürk, explains this and more from Berlin Air Show 2016.
A320neo powered by CFM engines: Flight test campaign
In a milestone marked 31 May 2016, the Airbus A320neo received Type Certification for its second engine option – CFM International’s LEAP-1A engine – from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These approvals were received on-time after undergoing numerous safety and performance tests during an extensive certification campaign.
Moonwalk to Mars
Project Moonwalk unites seven European partners, including Airbus Group, to develop and test technologies for future human missions to Mars. European researchers selected Río Tinto in Huelva (Spain) as a testing ground. To know more about this project visit: http://www.airbusgroup.com/moonwalk
Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner Major Move for US Return to Human Space Flight
In an operation at Kennedy Space Center involving minute movements and precise placement, the pieces of the first CST-100 Starliner test article became a capsule. The test article will help verify the manufacturing method, the materials, and the parts being created by Boeing and the project’s suppliers and help study the design of the Starliner.
Emirates YK Başkanı, Kendi Şirketini Test Etti
Emirates Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Şeyh Ahmed bin Said El Maktum, kendi havayolu şirketinin hizmet kalitesini test etti. El Maktum bu amaçla, 17 saatlik Dubai – Auckland uçuşunda Economy Class’ta yolculuk yaptı. Geçtiğimiz aylarda gerçekleşen bu “deneme” uçuşu hakkında konuşan Şeyh Ahmed bin Said El Maktum, Economy Class’ta seyahat etmekten hiç rahatsız olmadığını zira insanlara yakın olmayı sevdiğini belirtti. Bilindiği…
First Full GE9X Engine Moves to Test
The first full GE9X engine, which will power the Boeing 777X aircraft, travels to the test stand at GE Aviation’s Peebles (Ohio) Test Operation.
Turkish Airlines Boeing 777 – Bad Weather Flight Test
By OwnsGermany In a downpour fighting rain blowing every which way; another Boeing 777-300ER for Turkish Airlines TC-JJU named Büyükada after a small vacation destination outside of Istanbul departs on another test flight. A few hours pass by and the aircraft returns to the poor WX conditions for a smooth landing followed with a nice…
Mitsubishi, MRJ’nin İlk Teslimatını Erteledi
Japonya’da Mitsubishi Heavy Industries & Toyota Motor Corporation ortaklığı olan Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation tarafından geliştirilen ve ilk deneme uçuşunu 11 Kasım 2015 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen Mitsubishi Regional Jet MRJ-90’ın ilk teslimat tarihi bir yıl ertelendi. Ancak projedeki orijinal plana göre, ilk deneme uçuşunun bundan beş yıl kadar önce yapılması gerekmekteydi. Bununla birlikte, uçağın ilk müşterisi olan All Nippon Airways’e 2017 yılının Nisan – Haziran…
Boeing Uses Sound to Look Inside
From St. Louis to Seattle, Boeing’s non-destructive inspection labs use sound waves to test plane parts.
Boeing 747-8F goes on roller coaster flight
A flight loads survey is often compared to a long roller coaster ride because of the sudden and dramatic ups and downs during the flight. And because of those extreme maneuvers, it is one of the most grueling tests for a new airplane, including those monitoring onboard.